Free SAT & ACT Diagnostic Tests

While taking SAT/ACT diagnostic tests at the office is currently impossible due to shelter-in-place mandate, you can still take advantage of the downtime by downloading the practice test.

Instructions regarding the proctoring of the test and answer sheet submission are also available. Current turnaround time is about 48 hours.

Diagnostic SAT

Diagnostic ACT

What to do after the test.

Scan the front and the back of the scantron answer sheets, using a scanner if possible. You can also use a scanning app such as CamScanner; however, if you are using a scanning app, care should be taken to make the image of the scantron sheet as rectangular as possible. If your page shows the image of the answer sheet as a trapezoid or if you send me a bunch of images taken from your phone while you are holding the answer sheet, I will not be able to process the answers.

You should save the scanned pages as ONE 2-page PDF document for each test. Please email this PDF document to with your contact information. Your score reports will be emailed to you within 2 or 3 days.